Pre-Course Preparation

Before we get started, I’d like to invite you to contemplate your intentions and reasoning behind wanting to explore meditation. For me, it started with curiosity, after having gained some exposure to meditation through yoga. I could sense some of the benefits through my yoga practice and enjoyed learning different breathing techniques. I enjoyed the moments of focus and calm I captured. I knew that actual meditation practice is a good thing. I just couldn’t seem to fit it into my schedule and make it work.

You know how you constantly think to yourself, I know this would be good for me, but you just can’t seem to make it happen?

Meditating at my house just didn’t work for me. We have three kids. I would get distracted. I would find myself noticing the messiness of the house instead of tending to my practice.

I finally let go of trying to make that happen.

It wasn’t until my friend, Michelle, who also happens to be a meditation teacher, invited me to come and sit with her at our local yoga studio three mornings every week.

For 30 minutes!

It seemed a little crazy, but I was intrigued. And excited!

For the opportunity to learn from Michelle, and the camaraderie and accountability. I invited my students to join us. Others from the community did as well. And we developed a lovely little meditation group. It ebbed and flowed, and many times it was just Michelle and I.

What a gift.

This is when I really began to see how a consistent practice could begin to filter into my daily life. In little ways and big.

So my own reasoning behind wanting to cultivate a daily meditation practice is simple. 

I want to feel grounded. 

I want to feel more present in my life. 

I want to be more in-tune with myself. 

I want to learn about myself. 

I want stillness in my life. 

I want to create space for expansion and knowing.

My intention is to be gentle with myself knowing I will falter. My intention is to create the space and time for my practice and make it a priority. My intention is to go even deeper with my own practice by sharing it with others. How beautiful! I intend to allow my own light to shine through this gift and remain open to possibility.

What is yours?

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